Stress to Calm - breathing

From stress, to calm mental health
Shift your breathing function from primitive brain, to higher brain and in doing so shift your behaviour from stressed to calm, from reactive, to wise.

When you feel over-whelmed and negative and you feel that tension is beginning to permeate your body and mind – consciously shift your breathing  function from limbic (primitive brain) breathing, to cerebral cortex breathing. Embed this technique in the very front of the mind so that you can switch it on, in an instant.

While your breathing function has been going on, day in and day out, since you were born, approx 21,600 times a day on average, without your awareness probably - now, you can become totally aware of it. With awareness this technique can be done sitting, standing, lying down or walking.

The Practice
Sit, or lie down in the supine position to learn the practice.  If sitting for this practice, sit comfortably, but with the spine elongating upwards. 
Close your eyes and become steady and still. 

Place your awareness inside the nostrils and become totally aware of the breath.  Totally focused inside the nostrils. Feel the breath flow in - and out. Don't control it. Let the breath do whatever it wants to, this is important.

Watch whatever the breath is doing. The moment you place your awareness on the breath it becomes kind of self-consciousness and starts to feel completely unnatural, knowing this, don't do anything to correct the breath. It may veer wildly from shallow to deep, from rhythmic to unrhythmic - and back again. You may feel the need to gasp, or sigh, or you may have moments where you can barely get your breath. Just watch  - and eventually the breath will stop veering wildly.

Slowly, over 5-10 minutes it will become more even, more rhythmic and steady. When the breath has become steady it is functioning from the cerebral cortex. Stay with it another 5 minutes to establish the pattern of breath there, in the cerebral cortex.

This simple technique can be used at any time from supine position, as a gentle, deep relaxation for the body and the mind.

Experience finer qualities within yourself
Normal breathing function originates in the primitive/reptilian/limbic brain. 

Breathing with awareness undergoes a transition which takes approximately 5 minutes where the function switches from primitive brain to cerebral cortex.  When that happens the processes of your mind function from a higher realm.  You experience the finer qualities within yourself - beautiful, inspired, calm, wise and uplifted. The breath gradually becomes rhythmic, slow, and fine and is quite unlike the limbic breath.

Maybe used anytime, after a busy day at work, after distressing conversation, after completing asanas.  The peace and wisdom from your higher mind will filter down and generate beautiful health, deep into the cells of your body. 

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