Recover & return to Health

Return to health
if you are physically fragile, weak,
over-weight, have depression 
or are recovering from illness.

No matter your age or your present state of recovery,
Your return to health has much to do with your muscles.
Connect with your muscles.
Salute, Honor and feel the god-force in your muscles.
Move your muscles, in simple ways.
Massage your muscles, yourself, most days.

If you are ill, or weak, make a gentle start.

Lower body
From the chair where you are sitting, or the bed where you are lying:
Raise your right leg up and down, twice. Just a little bit, or the full distance. Stop. Mentally count 10 seconds. These are call LEG LIFTS.
Raise and lower the right leg, twice again. Stop. Mentally count 10 seconds. Raise and lower the right leg, twice again. Stop. Mentally count 10 seconds.

This is three sets, of two movements, with a rest phase of 10 seconds.
It is a gentle formula for returning the body and the mind, to health.

The rest phase causes the muscles to worker harder when you begin the next round - so you only need to raise the and lower the leg six times.

Now do this exact same thing with the left leg.  Gently, gently make a start. 

Do this 5 or 6 days a week, but not every day week in and week out. There has to be one day each week where the body and mind digest the process they are going through.

Each week continue to add 1 - 2 movements, until you can raise and lower the leg 20 times, with rest phases.

This particular movement will stir energy through all the muscles of your legs, particularly your quads which need as much activation as they can get - and stir energy into your pelvic and abdominal muscles, glutes and lower back.

In the same way, now complete 3 sets of two ARM LIFTS. Raise and lower single arms.  This activates all the muscles of the arms - but equally importantly it activates deep muscles at the sides of the torso just under the arms and muscles of the spine.

Using sets and rounds and rests will cause immediate increase in strength in all but the very strong.

Now to vitalise the heart, lungs, liver, intestines, reproductive organs, and all the internal organs and glands you have to move the torso.
If sitting in a chair plant the feet firmly on the floor, and turn the torso, using your arms, to one side of the chair.  Hold for a moment. Then slowly, slowly turn to the other side, hold for a moment. Repeat - and then return to the centre and relax your feet and whole body for 20 seconds.
This is one set of two movements. Do two more sets.

Modern life can cause lazy nerve connections

which causes dysfunction in the

organs and muscles of the body.

Yoga activates the nerves with prana,

simultaneously waking up

the associated centres in the brain

and all systems of the body,

all muscle, organ and bone tissue,

creating vibrant body & mind health.

A harmonised nervous system creates

a clear thinking and wise mind.

Excerpt from:

Yoga & Kriya text by Sri Swami Satyananda


Kala - the light potential in your health
One tends to relate to the body as a dense physical thing. But it changes everything, if one relates to the body as kala.

According to Swami Satyasangananda of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, kala are rays of immense energy in the form of light which descend from the unmanifest Shakti, to the lowest created point of the manifest Shakti i.e. the entire field of the body. She explains these rays as full of nuclear potential, reverberating with atoms, protons and electrons. Thus the body is composed of waves of light and waves of sound. Read verse 14 commentary in Sri Saundarya Lahari – the Descent, by Sw. Satyasangananda for deeper insights and poetic inspiration.

Giving your muscles even the lightest care and attention on a regular basis, will increase the kala potential. 

Gradually the muscles will return to full health. One can actually feel the muscle activation sending energy impulses to all parts of the body e.g. the nerves, blood, heart, respiratory system, digestive system, brain and spine.  And to the pranic, mental and causal bodies.

Think about your recovery, it's all about recovery. Recovery is not a challenge or a competition. Don't try to hurry it. Simply focus on recovery.
By the end of four weeks you will be able to do more lifts, in 3 sets, with 10 second rests in between each set, than you could when you started - which counts for everything

Find the beginning moment. Just get started. Know that you are activating arm leg and torso muscles, even if you can't tune into that yet. And know you are also activating energy in the torso muscles, organs and glands. 
Once established in this there are unlimited simple movements you can do for your muscles, in rounds, sets and rests - and what is more ... you can MAKE THEM UP yourself. Any movement will help recover your health.

After 2-3 months of regular practice which responds to your needs at the time you should notice a significant sense of muscle and general health. If so this means you are ready to tackle normal fitness tactics.
 Recover your health through YOGA

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