KIRTAN sadhana

Kirtan is . . .

MelodyRhythm, Mantra, Feeling

Kirtan is the melodic chanting of mantras with melody, rhythm and feeling
with others.

Every kirtan is led by the ‘kirtanist’  - the lead singer - who usually plays either a harmonium or guitar. They are supported by a drummer and, usually, someone who plays either manjeras or tambourine. 

Kirtan is a moving meditation 
sung aloud in 'call' and 'response' style. 
The kirtanist sings a refrain, calling to the hearts of those in the group, 
and the group ‘respond’ back from the heart, to the kirtanist. 
This singing from the heart, has feeling, bhava.
To get into the heart 
and to leave the thinking mind for a time,
that is the meditation practice of kirtan.

Each kirtan sets up an energy force within the mind
which helps clear the shadows and tensions [samskaras]
which block the chakras and nadis.
The result is a heart which s uplifted, a quieter mind and a healthier body 
flowing with endorphins.

! Click on the two hi-lited links for you-tube video chanting. 
These are melodic, non-traditional versions of the ancient chants.

Gayatri Mantra

led by DevaPramal and Miten 
The Gayatri is said to gradually expand the life-force,
helping us to access our inherent luminosity and intuition. 


MahamRityunjaya Mantra

MahamrityunjayaMantra - the healing mantra 108 times.

Singer: Shankar Sahney & Others

OM. Tryambakam Yajamahe, 
Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam, 
Urvarukamiva Bandhanaan, 
Mrityor Mukshi Yamamritaat,
Mrityor mukshiyam Amritat.

The actual chant doesn't start till around the 4 minute mark.
Please find the starting point, then lie down, 
or sit comfortably, close your eyes and listen closely to the 
rhythm, melody, feeling and the mantra for at least 5 minutes.
If you can lie down and rest it will be ultimately soothing and 
healing for the cells of the body (and therefore, the mind).


Sw Niranjanananda 
leader of the Satyananda tradition 
says that
 mantras pre-date religion, including Hindu religion. 
Mantra links the individual nature with the divine nature 
irrespective of the era or the culture
and are sung to awaken the deep inner happiness. 

For further reading re kirtan and all areas of yoga 
go to Yogamag
the Satyananda Yoga online yoga magazine.

 Kirtan - the Rocket to Self-realization

Swami Satyananda says "Yoga is incomplete without kirtan".
Kirtan is an important aspect of yoga. Just as rasgula is incomplete without sugar, so yoga is also incomplete without kirtan. Kirtan is not religious chanting, nor is it just singing one word many times. It is a part of nada yoga, the yoga of sound, in which you produce sound waves and follow them with your awareness. By singing kirtan you are able to withdraw yourself from the body and your external environment. You are travelling by the jet of emotions, therefore, you do not confront the mind at all. In raja yoga you have to fight the mind, but in kirtan you bypass the mind.

Kirtan is not an intellectual yoga, but each and every sound that is produced in kirtan goes deep into your consciousness. Intellectuals will try to understand kirtan, but for them it is very difficult, because kirtan is mainly concerned with the emotional personality of the individual. Although the emotions are not properly understood and utilised, they are very powerful tools in the hands of man. Through the intellect, you cannot go very deep; you cannot realise the consciousness. By means of the intellect you can know about God, truth and many things; but you can never experience them.

If you want to experience peace and God within you, you have to develop the emotional side of your nature. If your emotions are blunt, you can go to the temple and talk about God for days together or speak about him from the church pulpit, but he will be far from you. However, if your emotions are charged, just by hearing about God, you can enter into a trance and experience him. This is because the emotions are the eyes through which you can experience a greater love and awareness.  

Complete article by Sri Sw. Satyananda can be read at:
Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati.  Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, India.

Connect in with Melbourne kirtanist
 Nada Narayana 

find when and where these truly beautiful kirtans
 will be on, so you can join in.

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