Friday, April 25, 2014

Ancient Tantra fell into disrepute thousands of years ago, through mindless worshiping. Giving "offerings" to the gods changed from offering selfishness and hatred, to offering virgins. This seems to be happening again. Tantra, and Vedanta, have always had that element of worship, misunderstood by many to mean external worship. Supposedly, to get anywhere you have to worship, honour, obey and trust others. I couldn't do that in marriage, nor in discipleship. It has always seemed to me that each individual has uniquely creative power which requires discovering, uncovering self-trust, love, intuition and inspiration, layer by layer.

Only the individual can do this. Along the way, however, there are others who inspire and teach, and who we should acknowledge, but not adore, or worship. They are doing their job as they should be. In the same way that the parents of a baby provide the best nourishment, kindness and guidance they can, giving the highest form of parenting they are capable of, without expectation, they are owed nothing; so too, any inspirer simply provides highest spiritual guidance they are capable of, without expectation, without being worshipped, owed nothing. Worshipfulness, when directed inwards, to the Divine Self, is a beautiful thing. None of us is more special, than another - some have evolved better qualities at this point in experience and time, than others, but that only makes it their duty to help the lesser evolved.  

 Note:  The full article can be found on the Samkhya Sadhana page. 

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